Simple Fabrication Process of a Chemical Sensor on Glass using Nanotube Aqueous Solution

S. Takeda, M. Nakamura, A. Subagyo, A. Ishii, K. Sueoka, and K. Mukasa (Japan)


CNT-FETs, pH, sensor, solution, glass


An FET-based chemical sensor was fabricated using single-walled or multi-walled carbon nanotube derivative solutions with one-step photolithography. The nanotube aqueous solution is dropped on pairs of source and drain electrodes that are fabricated with Au using chemical vapor deposition. After drying the nanotube solution, many bundles of nanotubes that bridge between the source and drain electrode were obtained. The effect of liquid potential on the current through the source and drain electrodes was monitored in a buffer using an Ag/AgCl gate electrode. The current decreased with increasing potential of the gate electrode, which indicated that the device showed p-type FET properties. Response of the single-walled carbon nanotube against the gate potential is stronger than that of multi-walled one. The current increased with increasing pH in the region of pH 7 to pH 3. We demonstrated a simple method for fabricating easily an FET-based sensor using nanotube properties.

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