Haptic System for Acquiring Drawing Skills WITHIN a Virtual Trainer

J. Rodrguez (Spain), C. Vzquez, L. Chirinos (Mexico), and E. Snchez (Spain)


Haptic devices, sketch training, enactive learning.


Haptic Devices are mechatronic input-output systems capable of tracking a user's physical movement (input) and providing realistic touch sensations (output). These devices make possible for users to touch and manipulate virtual tools in 3D environments. By using haptic devices, it is possible to design and implement enhanced simulation systems to improve some human skills. The haptic system proposed in this paper simulates the process of sketching and drawing with a virtual pencil on virtual paper. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a virtual environment, using free software and a low cost haptic device. This was intended to help architecture students to acquire specific motor skills for drawing and sketching. Our system gives the user not only visual feedback of their efforts but also the sensation of force feedback over his hand, providing a more realistic experience for both, the trainee and the trainer.

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