VR, n-D and FPS Game Engine Driven Visualization for the Architectural/Construction Engineering Education

M.E. Haque (USA)


n-D Visualization, Virtual Reality, Animation, Game Engine, Construction, Architectural Engineering


As the modern-day student becomes more personified with an obsession for the interactivity of computer games, it has become vital that the classroom offer an engaging method of teaching and learning. Today’s information technology (IT) has proven an untapped resource for architectural/ construction engineering and technology classrooms. As the classical architectural/construction engineering classroom is highly dependent on the instructor, developing students’ critical thinking skills become a challenging task for even the most inspired educators. Nonetheless, these skills are a continual necessity for students’ plan to venture into the architectural/construction engineering professions. Regardless of the excellence of enthused instructors and various textbooks, the associated rigorous theories and concept visualization make it a tedious academic hurdle for numerous students. However, through the implementation of IT, theories are exemplified in a virtual environment and the dullness of written theory is replaced with rich multimedia, animation, interactivity, virtual walk-through, and multi-dimensional visualization (n-D visualization). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate various architectural design and construction visualization techniques in desktop virtual environments including virtual reality (VR), 3D animation, first-person shooter (FPS) engine simulate walk-through, time-space relationship visualization in 4D (3D+Schedule), and time space-cost relationship visualization in 5D (3D+Schedule+Cost). These visualization techniques create a self-directed learner centered educational environment, which can improve students’ conceptual understanding.

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