Supporting Lifelong Learning Programmes: Defining an Accessibility and Competence based Application Profile for Educational Metadata

D.G. Sampson, D. Fytros, and P. Zervas (Greece)


Accessibility, Competence, Metadata, Application Profile


In the context of the emerging paradigm of Lifelong Learning, competence-based learning is gradually attracting the attention of the Technology-Enhanced Learning community, since it appears to meet the learning expectations of both individuals and organisations. Moreover, the need for providing learners with learning content that matches their accessibility needs and preferences has been identified as an important issue in the Technology-enhanced Learning domain. On the other hand, the paradigm of Learning Objects retains, to a large extent, its initial anticipations and supported by Educational Metadata, it is still influencing Technology Enhanced Learning system design. Nevertheless, the IEEE LOM standard does not directly support the description of learning resources in terms of their relevance to accessibility and/or competence-based learning programmes. In this paper we target addressing this problem, that is, we identify and study the main issues related to the accessibility and competence relevant characteristics of learning resources and propose an IEEE LOM Application Profile that can be used for tagging learning resources in an accessible and competence meaningful manner.

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