A Conformance Testing Approach with IEEE LOM and its Application to a Science Education Application Profile

P. Zervas and D.G. Sampson (Greece)


Conformance Testing, IEEE LOM Standard, Application Profiling, Interoperability


During the past years a number of international efforts have led to the development of the IEEE Learning Objects Metadata (LOM) Standard as a commonly accepted way for describing educational resources. This has improved the interexchange of digital resources between web-based educational repositories, also facilitating search and retrieval of these resources from the educational community and its practitioners. On the other hand, despite the widespread adoption of the IEEE LOM Standard it is difficult to accommodate the needs of the different educational user communities without specific extensions. Therefore, the practice of creating IEEE LOM Application Profiles has emerged and widely adopted. Within this context, it is important to define a strategy that ensures that the proposed IEEE LOM Application Profiles retain their interoperability with the IEEE LOM Standard. To this end, in this paper, we describe an approach for the conformance testing of IEEE LOM Application Profiles with the IEEE LOM Standard and apply this approach to the IEEE LOM Science Education Application Profile developed within the InLOT Project.

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