Finding Heuristics Usability Problems in Universities Web Sites in Pakistan

A. Rehman and M. Mehmood (Pakistan)


Active Links, Search Engine Result Page (SERP), Usability


This paper reports on the usability of Pakistani universities web sites. To the best of author knowledge it’s the first ever usability study of Pakistanis Universities. Top 10 universities were assessed for heuristics usability. The result was that most of the web sites failed to comply with even basic web usability guidelines. This indicates that web usability is poorly understood by web developers of these sites, if at all. It also indicates that no usability testing is in place to ensure that web site follow the basic usability guidelines. Some key mistakes were the presence of active links on all pages, poor searching, non-standard use of color for links and not optimizing display for the most commonly used browser resolution, among others.

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