Effective Transfer of Advanced Technology in Education: The University of Georgia-Tunisia Partnership

T.K. Hamrita (USA)


International collaboration, developing countries, and e learning capacity


Technology based education is considered to be one of the most influential trends in higher education today. For developing countries in particular, it presents unique opportunities to meet new challenges and prepare citizenry to compete in the global economy. International collaboration is essential in preparing developing countries to use advanced technology in education. The author reports on an international partnership spearheaded by the University of Georgia and the Tunisian Higher Education System (particularly the Virtual University of Tunis) aimed at e-learning capacity building in Tunisia. Through intensive holistic human resource development programs, continuous dialogue and self assessment, state of-the-art teaching pedagogy, a collaborative framework and leadership opportunities, and building human connections among participants, our partnership has created a multidisciplinary collaborative network of highly trained and mobilized professors and e-learning professionals to promote and advance e-learning in Tunisia. This network has developed dozens of courses and degree programs currently on-line serving hundreds of students, disseminates e-learning expertise through workshops throughout the country, and has established an e-learning NGO called APREV. The paper presents an overview of the initiative and its activities, highlighting some outcomes, impacts, and critical factors contributing to the success and sustainability of this transfer of advanced technology in education.

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