Ways of Improving an e-Learning Platform by Embedding Knowledge Management

M.C. Mihăescu, D.D. Burdescu, and B. Logofatu (Romania)


e-learning, machine learning, mathematical modelling


For improvement of e-Learning platforms we have built a module that gives the “intelligent” character to the system where it runs. This module records user performed actions, levels of data traffic and other performed activities in an attempt to solve or improve presented issues. The enforced mechanisms use state of the art machine learning algorithms, mathematical modeling and dynamic structures management, giving thus the intelligent character of the educational network. This paper presents several setups that were tested in this direction. The purpose of performed studies is to estimate the quality of the platform from two points of view: the classification capability and the learning proficiency offered to students. From student’s point of view the employed mechanisms characterize student’s activity with conclusions regarding his learning proficiency, learning curve and learning path.

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