An Integrated Web-based Exercise Module

A. Dyckhoff, P. Rohde, and P.W. Stalljohann (Germany)


University education, e-learning, learning management system, exercise course module, workflows


Web-based workflows can support otherwise organizationally time-consuming and complex teaching and learning processes. In established university courses of natural science and engineering departments, it has proven to be beneficial to carry out lectures with accompanying exercise courses. These exercise courses aim to help students to practice and promote transfer of newly learnt knowledge while solving problems. To reduce the high logistic and operating expenditure for all participants involved, when organizing an exercise course, we propose the use of web-based, predefined workflows. In this paper we introduce the concept of an adaptable, web-based exercise module which supports electronic submissions for assignments and the assessment and grading process of exercise courses. The major advantages of the module against similar implementations are aimed to be its integration into the given university-wide e-learning platform and the integration of an elaborate workflow that helps students to flexibly form study groups by themselves.

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