Performance Study of using Digital Ink with Engineering Students

O.M. Bonastre, J.M. Amig Garcia, J. Valero Cuadra, and A. Gimenez Pastor (Spain)


Architectures of Innovative Systems for Education and Training, Digital Ink, University Education.


As Higher Education Common Space (HECS) has become a reality, studies dealing with learning innovation are being promoted. Concretely, HECS promotes use of new technologies based methods which are able to evaluate competences of students. With this motivation, in this paper authors analyze the role of pedagogical use of digital ink with engineering students. Authors have evaluated educational benefits successfully through this novelty educational framework with engineering students connected from different network scenarios like (i) all students with wired connected computers inside classroom, (ii) students with wireless connected computers to the classroom and (iii) students connected to the classroom through Internet outside the university. This implemented learning framework was satisfactorily received by students and department staff that supported this innovative project. As said before, classroom was followed by heterogeneous networks connections, i.e., every student was able to follow lectures in real time using wired or even also wireless connections. Authors show successfully educational benefits of evaluated engineering competences like handwriting and team work skills respectively. Conclusions deal with promoting use of next-generation learning applications using digital ink.

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