Creating Educational Information Environment of a Megapolis

V. Yablonsky and V. Abrosimov (Russia)


education, information technology, innovation, education environment, information system.


In this work, the matters of building big megapolis education management systems are considered. The authors have established the presence of innovation cycles in development of education management systems and gave a forecast as to the utilisation of information technologies in that field until 2025. Typical national peculiarities in education management were identified. They reveal themselves through geographic distribution of education management organisations and facilities, diversity of software and hardware means of automation of educational processes, manageability and stability of national educational processes management systems and traditions, as well as through other phenomena inherent to education in different countries of the world. The novelty of the proposed approach may be reduced to three main components: a) forecasting the use of information technologies in innovation management until 2020; b) defining and substantiating the need to pay heed to six main features of educational processes going on in developing countries and to take them into account while building education environments in their megapolises; c) recommending to use special demand and possibility matrices for building education environments of megapolises with due account for innovations in the domain of information technologies. As an example, the results of many years of work devoted to development of a unified educational information environment of Moscow- the capital of Russia.

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