e-Portfolio Cell: Formal Descriptive Model for e-Portfolios

Y. Morimoto, M. Ueno, I. Kikukawa, S. Yokoyama, and Y. Miyadera (Japan)



Many educational institutions are now using e-portfolios to support authentic learning and assessment. The systems supporting the use of e-portfolios are generally institutioncentered (not student centered) and manage only the students’ final products. Moreover, they do not promote active reflection by the students because learning and assessment are separated. In an effort to overcome these problems so that e-portfolios can better support learning and assessment, we developed a formal descriptive model (called “e-portfolio cell”) for e portfolios that provides information on the relationships between e-portfolios for the entire learning process and implemented it using an XML schema. We also developed a system based on the model framework that supports student reflective learning and assessment. The use of this RefLASS system should lead to better support of student-centered authentic learning and assessment using e-portfolios, which should result in more reflection.

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