Computers and Advanced Technology in Early Childhood Education

L. Anido, R. Mquez, and J.M. Santos (Spain)


Educational Software, Web-based Education, Early Childhood education

Abstract is a web service-oriented portal aimed at providing on-line educational services and resources for those schools that cover the period between 0 and 3 years old. This concept, formerly known as kindergarten, has changed during the last years, moving from just a place where babies and children are taken care of during the working hours of their parents to an actual school with an educational program with very clearly defined objectives. With this new situation, a very important effort was carried out by the Educational Administration in Galicia to promote the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) during this early stage in the education of a human being. We present the main functionalities developed (online communication channels, blogs, agendas, online doctor, online teacher, electronic learning objects, online enrolment, etc) as well as the first reactions from the target users. In a first phase, near 30 schools are making use of the services behind with an expected growth during the next year to cover the whole public system in Galicia.

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