Distance Learning System: From Designing to Introduction at Schools

M. Lapenok and I. Rozhina (Russia)


Distance learning system, school education, electronic learning materials, teacher training, network services. 1. Theoretical aspect of organizing DLS at school On the one hand the problems of organizing distance learning are connected with the technological aspect of organizing courses of distance learning and on the other hand with didactic problems of organizing student activity in the Net (both on their own and under the teacher’s supervision). The most important are also the issues


The article deals with the joint project of the Ural Pedagogical University and Department of Education of Yekaterinburg city (Russia, Urals region) on creation and introduct'n of distance learning system at schools. The tasks of the project are being described, and also methodical aspects of creating distance courses in school education and training the teachers who realize distance learning form. Didactic properties and functions of computer telecommunications, psychological peculiarities of participants’ interaction of distance education are being considered. Within the project the learning materials of comprehensive courses on 8 subjects for 10-11 grades are being developed. Naulearning – the software system of distance learning and learning process management has been taken as a basis of the educational portal. The article tells about experimental research being carried out by specialists of the Ural and Latvian Universities aimed at selecting and mastering Information Communication Technology which suits for taking on-line classes.

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