On Modeling the Educational Process of Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The NOESIS Project

P. Petrantonakis, J. Vittorias, D. Bolis, A. Tsiligkyri, V. Kosmidou, L.J. Hadjileontiadis, and S.M. Panas (Greece)


Educational environments, autism spectrum disorders, and biofeedback


A novel educational environment for kids with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs), namely NOESIS, is presented in this paper. NOESIS takes into account ASD kids’ individual characteristics (level of autism, source sensitivity, reaction target, etc), their emotional state (stress level, hyper-/hypo-tension) during their educational procedure, and creativity during guided- and self-activity (e.g., gaming). It adapts to each kid’s specific characteristics through system adaptation and self regulation procedures. Moreover, it provides assistance to the educator for preparation, customization and optimization of the educational material for each kid and provision of enhanced evaluation procedures (scores/tools) via well-managed Web Services. Parents’ updating is also provided via reporting material with learning curve descriptions. Overall, NOESIS contributes to the provision of opportunities to all ASD children to be educated by facilitating access and tuning innovative technology to social needs.

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