Low Complexity Intra Video Coding using Transform Domain Prediction

C. Kim and N.E. O'Connor (Ireland)


Intra video coding, low complexity, Intra prediction.


In this paper, a new low complexity intra coding framework is presented. The proposed method is extremely computa tionally efficient as it uses intra prediction in the DCT do main. To facilitate finding a good predictor, we propose to extend the number of neighouring blocks to be searched, based on a consideration of the type of edges we can ex pect to observe in the pixel data. The best predictor can be selected from the candidate blocks without recourse to rate-distortion optimisation or pixel interpolation. To ob tain better performance we also propose to automatically adapt the entropy encoding block to the prediction mode used. Experimental results show that the encoding scheme compares favorably to H.264/AVC in terms of compression efficiency but with a significant reduction in overall com putational complexity.

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