OlVis: A Modular Image Processing Software Architecture and Applications for Micro- and Nanohandling

C. Dahmen, T. Wortmann, and S. Fatikow (Germany)


Manufacturing, Object Recognition, Tracking, SoftwareArchitecture.


Manipulation processes at the micro- and nanoscale are a result of ongoing research activities at the border between microsystem technology and robotics. Visual feedback has turned out to be the most important sensor used in process automation in the micro- and nanoworld. Usage of various types of visual sensors and varying setups prevented uti lization of a common software architecture for algorithm development so far. This article presents a flexible soft ware architecture meeting the requirements of changing op erating conditions in micro- and nanomanipulation setups. The proposed architecture has been implemented including a number of I/O and processing modules. Flexible usage has been demonstrated in two very different applications: flow classification of Xenopus Laevis oocytes and track ing for coarse positioning of nanomanipulation robots. The software architecture is found to be suitable for fast proto typing in future applications.

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