Visualization of Content and Semantical Relations of Geonotes

I. Jusufi, L. Junuzi, A. Kerren, and M. Milrad (Sweden)


Information Visualization, Visualization Software, Geo sciences, Visual Information Systems, HCI, GPS


The total population of GPS-enabled location-based ser vices (LBS) subscribers is constantly increasing. These GPS-enabled devices produce a wide range of media con tent (e.g., text/audio notes, pictures, or videos) enhanced by geo-tagged information. This fact poses a challenge regard ing how to store and retrieve it and opens new research op portunities for visualizing this type of data. The overall aim of our research efforts is to develop novel approaches and methods for visualizing the content of these documents that will be placed in maps using GPS coordinates as well as to visualize the semantical, temporal, and spatial relations be tween the documents themselves. In this work, we concen trate on text documents and other data formats that could be transformed into text. We combined different visualiza tion and interaction techniques, such as glyph-based tech niques and visual clustering, to achieve our research aims. Our visualization tool, called GNV System (GeoNotes Vi sualization System), demonstrates the interplay of differ ent interaction techniques and components as well as their functionality. It will be presented in this paper.

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