Three-Dimension Tsunami Simulation using Binary Representation and Operations

R. Lipikorn, R. Jiratanawat, J. Asavanant (Thailand), and M. Ioualalen (France)


Tsunami simulation, binary representation, byte operators, data compression, ocean engineering


The Tsunami on December 26, 2004 was a devastating nat ural phenomenonthat caused the major fatalities and loss in properties around Indian Ocean including the southern part of Thailand. It affects not only Thai economy, society, and traveling but also the neighboring countries as well. Thus many warning systems have been invented in order to pro tect people’s lives from Tsunami and one of the main pro cesses in warning system is the Tsunami wave magnitude prediction and its impact along the coastline. The objective of this paper is to present the use of seismic data generated by mathematical models named Boussinesq and Okata nu merical models to determine and simulate the magnitude of potentially tsunamigenic waves in three dimensions us ing binary representation and operations. The simulation demonstrates predicted tsunami amplitude, speed, and in land distance, that is, how far the tsunami could travel after hitting the coastline in three dimensions. However, the main problems with three-dimension tsunami simulation are the file size, data retrieval time, and the computational complexity during rendering pro cess. In order to overcome these problems, we propose a three-dimension tsunami simulation that uses binary repre sentation and operations instead of floating point numbers. From our simulations on various data sets, it can be notified that our proposed methods can significantly reduce the size and complexity, as an example, the file size of the Indian Ocean can be reduced from 8.38 GB to only 1.86 GB, and the computational time of the same data set can be reduced from 7.08 seconds to 0.63 seconds per frame.

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