Fuzzy-based Direct Cover Algorithm for Reduction of Multi-Valued Logic Functions

B.A.B. Sarif (Saudi Arabia) and M. Abd-El-Barr (Kuwait)


Fuzzy Logic, Digital Circuits and Systems, Multi-valued Logic, Functional Synthesis, Direct Cover Heuristics.


Heuristics have been used to synthesize Multiple-valued Logic (MVL) functions using near optimal number of product terms. The Direct Cover (DC) algorithm is one such heuristics. In this paper, the use of Fuzzy Logic to improve the results obtained using the DC algorithms is introduced. The proposed Fuzzy-based Direct Cover (FDC) algorithm is tested using a randomly generated set of benchmark consisting of 50000 2-variable 4-valued and 50000 2-variable 5-valued functions. The results obtained using the benchmark functions show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing conventional DC algorithms in terms of the average number of product terms needed to synthesize a given MVL function.

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