Liquid Sloshing Suppression using Fuzzy Logic Control

Z.-L. Hong and I.-K. Fong (Taiwan)


Sloshing, Fuzzy Control, Friction.


In this paper, a pendulum-type model is constructed to represent the liquid sloshing behavior in a rectangular container, which is driven by a one-dimensional ball screw table. A fuzzy rule-based controller is adopted to damp the liquid sloshing and keep the container near the center of the ball- screw table. The controller consists of two fuzzy sub-controllers designed to respectively control the liquid sloshing and the container displacement. The effectiveness of the adopted method is demonstrated through experiments, where it is first seen that friction exists unavoidably in the motion of the ball-screw table. The nonlinear behaviors induced by friction limit the performance of the system. In order to overcome this limitation, the LuGre model of friction is added for designing a compensation scheme, and better performance is indeed obtained.

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