Detection of Vessels in Human Forearms using 2D Matched Filtering

T.R. Savarimuthu and A.S. Sorensen (Denmark)


Blood Vessels, Vein, Infrared Imaging, Skin Optics, Skin Tissue, Matched Filtering.


This paper presents the use of 2D matched filtering methods to detect veins in the human forearms, based on images from near infrared CCD cameras. The method is able to highlight veins to a degree that enables automatic detection of the major veins in the forearms of the test persons. The images used in this work are obtained under realistic clinical conditions, and are therefore rather noisy, with a low contrast between the blood vessels and the surrounding tissue. Even so, the developed matched filtering methods, is able to reduce noise and increase contrast enough so that traditional image filters - e.g. blob detection - can distinguish the major veins.

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