Improving Usability of Web-based Application with Feedback Control

K.M.A. de Oliveira, J.A. de Oliveira Neto, B. Lula Jr., H. de Sousa Marques, T.A. Monteiro, and J.V. de Moraes Lima Marinus (Brazil)


Feedback Control, Web-based Application, Adaptive Interface, Autonomic Computing, Model Based Interface Development


Context: Interface designers face the challenge of providing easy interaction between user and application. This task becomes tricky when people carrying wide differences concerning IT familiarity will use the same application (web applications, for instance). The use of dynamic interfaces, which can transform themselves automatically to better-fit usersĀ“ ability, has been a successful approach to address that challenge. Problem statement: Conceiving dynamic interfaces is a hard task to accomplish if one intends to meet three basic, and often conflicting, requirements: compliance to interfaces formal theory, effective adaptation to different users profile and implementation simplicity. Solution proposed: This paper presents Autonomic Interface, a framework based on feedback control mechanism, able to deploy adaptive web application interfaces.

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