Nonlinear Adaptive Backstepping Control of Induction Motor with Varying Parameters

F. Mehazzem, A. Reama (France), and H. Benalla (Algeria)


Induction motor, Backstepping design, and parameters identification.


An adaptive nonlinear Backstepping combined with a field orientation scheme has been developed in this paper for the control of induction motors to achieve rotor angular speed and rotor flux amplitude tracking objectives. The inputs to the control algorithm are the reference speed, the refer ence flux, the measured stator currents, the measured ro tor speed, the estimated rotor flux, and estimate of the ro tor resistance which may vary during operation. The con troller outputs are the reference stator voltages. An accu rate knowledge of the rotor flux and the rotor resistance is the key factor in obtaining a high-performance and high efficiency induction-motor drive. The rotor flux is esti mated using the induction-motor rotor-circuit model. Al though the estimated rotor flux is insensitive to the stator resistance variation, it does depend on the rotor resistance. A stable model reference adaptive system (MRAS) rotor resistance estimator insensitive to stator-resistance varia tion has been designed. The continuous adaptive update of the machine parameters ensures accurate flux estima tion and high-performance operation. Simulation results are presented to verify the stability of the induction-motor drive in various operating modes.

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