Autonomous Hover of Unmanned Aerial Helicopters

Y.S. Chen and F.Y. Hsaio (Taiwan)


PID control, rotorcraft, Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Method, unmanned Aerial Helicopter (UAH), autonomous flight


The autonomous hover of unmanned helicopters and de sign of controllers are presented in this paper. A Thunder Tiger Raptor-90 helicopter (renamed as H-Ling) is selected to investigate. Starting from the identified model of H Ling we design proportional-integral-derivative (PID) con trollers to stabilize its attitude in hover. Although the gen eral dynamics of a helicopter is highly coupled and nonlin ear, for the purpose of implementation we here only discuss control of dynamics of four main channels, cyclic lateral input to rolling rate, cyclic longitudinal input to pitching rate, pedal input to yawing rate, and collective pitch input to vertical motions, in the neighborhood of hovering state. Environment disturbances such as wind gusts, modeled as Gaussian random variables, are also included in the anal ysis and the Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Method is selected to determine control gains. Numerical simulations and com parisons with flight test data are provide to shown the ef fectiveness of our design.

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