Lane-Changing in a Mesoscopic, Cell-Transmission Traffic Simulator

C. Alecsandru (Canada) and S. Ishak (USA)


Lane-changing, cell transmission, and mesoscopic simulation


In recent years a range of transportation applications have been tested through the cell transmission model (CTM), developed by Daganzo in 1994, primarily because of its simplicity and relatively accurate representation of traffic flows. In the original formulation of CTM vehicle flows are treated in a macroscopic fashion, which imposes some limitations on its applicability for certain traffic operations uses. This work presents a methodology to capture lane-wise, non-homogeneous conditions inside the cell, while two lane-changing implementations are proposed. While the main focus of the study is to demonstrate the ability of the proposed methodology to capture more accurately some effects of real-life driving behavior such as lane changing maneuvers, calibrating the proposed algorithms is beyond the scope of this paper and will be addressed in future studies.

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