A Computational Analysis of Driving Variations on Distributed Multiuser Driving Simulators

A.-U.-H. Yasar, Y. Berbers, D. Preuveneers (Belgium), and A. Jameel (Sweden)


Simulators, Computational Analysis, Distributed Systems, Driving Variations.


This paper describes and analyzes an automated driver’s assistance system built for two goals: (1) to test how a voice based command (GPS) system and/or traffic lights influence the possible driving variations at T-intersections and (2) to reduce the number of traffic accidents. This computational study was conducted on a multi user driving simulation environment at Linköping University, Sweden. A total of 48 persons (groups of 4 persons took part in 12 experiments) participated in this study. We selected Post Encroachment Time (PET), speed and acceleration as conflict indicators at the T-intersection to analyze the behavior of the drivers. One of the hypotheses before the conducting experiments, stated that there is no difference in incident rate (PET values) at intersections between sessions based on the voice based command (GPS) assistance system, traffic lights and sessions based on the baseline condition. Another hypothesis referred to the same average variation values in the speed and the acceleration values corresponding to the PET values. We carried out several experiments to verify the validity of our hypotheses. The use of voice based command (GPS) assistance system and traffic light in an automated driver’s assistance system do not seem to have an effect on the driving behavior. It suggests that the driving behavior of the participants was robust across all experimental hypotheses. The ecological validity of the simulator and awareness of the unreal consequences might have lead to this experimental outcome. The validity of the hypotheses can help out in the evaluation and development of an automated intelligent vehicle safety system keeping in view the current safety requirements.

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