A Graphical Development Method for Multiagent Simulators and its Evaluation

K. Matsumoto, M. Murakami, and N. Mori (Japan)


Multiagent simulators, systems development method, model editor, simulator frameworks, model driven development


A multiagent simulator (MAS) attracts attention as an approach to social phenomena and complex systems in recent years. In addition, many frameworks for developing MAS are also proposed. These frameworks make the amount of work reduce. But it is necessary to build models that are required to develop simulators from scratch. It becomes a burden to developers. These models would be specialized in the framework and lack in reusability. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a graphical model editor that can build models diagrammatically and a simulator development method using the editor. Saving models in a general-purpose form, these models are applicable to various frameworks. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method is effective in MAS development.

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