Analytical Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Bipedal Models with Holonomic Constraints

A.M. Mughal and K. Iqbal (USA)


Analytical Modeling, Biomechanical, Holonomic Constraints, Symmetrical & Asymmetrical models


Human bipedal models are symmetrical as well as asymmetrical depending upon nature of movement, task and orientation of the body. A healthy subject does not move with exact symmetry on both extremities for Sit-to stand (STS). Stroke patients with paraplegic limbs exhibit complete asymmetrical behavior in right and left limbs, with one side of limbs moving significantly slower than other side. In this paper, we discuss the analytical models with symmetrical and asymmetrical designs. There are holonomic constraints in the system which restricts the stability of the model. We prove the stability of these models with Lyapunov’s indirect method, and further provide simulation results for STS maneuver.

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