Flood Inundation Simulations in the Lowlands of the Changhua Country, Taiwan

H.-C. Lien, W.-Y. Chang, W.-F. Tsai, J.-S. Lai, S.-K. Chang, T.-Y. Pan, and Y.-C. Tan (Taiwan)


2D inundation model, DEM, accuracy, grid size.


A two-dimensional (2D) inundation model is applied to simulate flood inundation due to typhoon storm rainfall in the Changhua county located in the lowlands of western Taiwan. Using collected data in the Changhua county, the inundation-prone areas and depths are simulated to calibrate parameters of the 2D inundation model. The calibrated parameters are used to simulate 5-year and 200 year return-period potential inundation. With different precision of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for land surface topography, in a local drainage system inundation depths are simulated to analyze the effects of grid size related to DEM accuracy. The potential inundation-prone areas can be simulated and analyzed in advance to provide the disaster prevention information for planning of emergency response and design of flood protection.

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