A Predimensioning Method for Components for Combined Heat-Power-Refrigeration-Plants

A. Hilligweg (Germany)


Cogeneration, plant predimensioning, graphical method


In a recent study [1] combinations of IC-engine based combined heat and power plants with single stage absorption chillers were investigated. Here a graphical method is presented which helps to easily keep records of the components’ efficiencies as well as of the users’ demands. Technically feasible plant designs and -as the case may be- additional external energy flows are pictured in respective areas of a newly introduced effective energy trigram, an equilateral triangle with axes showing the fractions of heat, power and cooling effect. Applying the outlined strategy in discussions between consultant and contractor helps to get a realistic view on technical options. Furthermore the suggested method ensures that the cogeneration plant will operate on exergetically sound basis without overgeneration of any effective energy, thus resulting in an ecological and economically successful operating mode.

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