Biomass: The Best Renewable Source in Brazil

M. Matos and P.R.F. De Moura Bastos (Brazil)


Renewable sources, emission, incentive programs, and jobs or employment.


This article analyzes the benefits of the biomass for the economy and for the environment. Not only proposing new incentives and subsidies but also demonstrating that this would not bring any further expenses to society. Two thermal plants using biomass are proposed and analyzed, the first one producing electric power using the African palm tree oil, with a diesel motor and directed to small isolated systems, and the second one driven to distributed generation; for both plants we can estimate created work positions, additional income for the rural population, the possibility of subsidy through tax collection, as well as the advantages with carbon credit market. At the end some comments on PROINFA – (An incentive program on alternative electric power sources) are presented, which was created in Brazil in 2002, and which accounts for 3.300MW originated from eolic energy, biomass and small hydroelectric plants, reasons for which a larger participation of these types of sources is expected in the Brazilian energy main frame.

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