Security-Constrained Ancillary Services Allocation and Pricing in Integrated Markets

T.T. Nguyen and A. Karimishad (Australia)


Ancillary services, integrated markets, security constraints


The paper develops a new dispatch formulation in which the network security constraints are represented in the optimal determination of generator active-power schedule and allocation of ancillary services. Contingencies considered include power demand variations at individual load nodes from the values specified for the current dispatch calculation. The required changes in generator active-powers to meet the new load demands are represented by additional control variables in the new dispatch formulation which augment those variables in the traditional OPF dispatch calculation. Based on the Lagrange function which includes the extended set of security constraints, the formulation derives the optimality condition to be satisfied by the dispatch solution, together with the marginal prices for individual ancillary service providers and LMPs. The effects of the security constraints are investigated and discussed in the paper. Case studies for representative power systems are presented to verify the new dispatch calculation procedure.

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