IRobotAssist: Hosting Automated Agents for Assistive Web Browsing

L. Chen (USA)


Web accessibility, automated Web agents, IRobotAssist


The Word Wide Web has become an indispensable part of many people’s daily lives. However, access to information from the Web is still a great challenge for the elderly and individuals with disabilities. This paper aims to overcome this challenge and reports an automation based Web browsing technology. Our purpose is to minimize the amount of interactions between Web users and the browser, and maximize the accessibility of information from the Web. This is achieved by the integration of multiple automation agents in a central system, and the development of extensible interfaces for the addition of new user-created agents. The agents can be activated by voice commands, and can be configured to transform Web pages into a uniform font-and-color scheme, selectively read aloud Web content, and automate series of Web operations. Users can easily create new agents to automate repetitive tasks including checking emails or reading news online.

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