Energy Efficiency and Emissions Reductions in Argentina, Peru, Philippines and South Africa

K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)


Energy conservation, program evaluation, regression analysis, green house gas emissions.


The Efficient Lighting Initiative (ELI) is a seven-country program implemented by the International Finance Corporation in Argentina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Peru, the Philippines and South Africa. The objective of the overall ELI program is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by promoting the use of modern and high-quality lighting products to transform domestic lighting markets. Each program initiative falls into one of five methods of market intervention: public awareness and education, utility programs, transaction support, market aggregation, and financial incentives. Through these market interventions, ELI sought to achieve its goals by: (1) providing consumers with reliable information with which they can make educated purchasing decisions and which will allow high-quality lighting products to compete fairly; (2) strengthening the manufacturing, service, distribution and retail capacity of the local efficient lighting market; and (3) supporting commercial financial mechanisms that will allow more consumers to purchase energy-efficient lighting products. This paper examines the impact of the ELI program in Argentina, Peru, Philippines and South Africa.

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