Impact of Large Industrial Customers on Power Quality of HV Transmission Power Grid: A Practical Case Study

K. Ellithy, A. Al-Subaie, A. Al Shafie, and A. Al Obaidly (Qatar)


Large Industrial Customers, PQ Quality Parameters, International Standards, SVC


This paper presents the impact of large industrial customers on the power quality of Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (Kahramaa). Steel plant is the dominant load in the industrial customers. The power quality parameters considered in this study are harmonics, interharmonics, flicker and unbalance. The power quality parameters have been evaluated based on the on-site measurements using power quality analyzers. The on-site measurements were performed over one week at the 132kV secondary side of the substation 220/132kV transformer feeding the industrial customers. The measured levels of power quality parameters have been analyzed and compared with Kahramaa and international standards. It was found that the maximum levels of interharmonics and flicker were exceeded the allowed levels defined by the standards which conclude that power quality was violated regarding interharmonics and flicker. Finally, conclusions are made and recommendations given in cases where corrective actions should be taken.

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