Study of Vegetable Oils Produced in Bangladesh as Alternative Fuel for Internal Combusiton Engines

J.R. Khan (Banglsdesh, USA) and I. Hossain (Bangladesh)


Vegetable Oils, Diesel Index.


The uses of vehicles and power plants operated by Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) are increasing day by day and people are getting dependent on petroleum fuels to run them. If this consumption goes on without discovering any further replacement, the whole world will face a deep fuel crisis in near future. Moreover, cost of petroleum fuel is increasing day by day. Different countries have tried to replace their fuel requirement by their available and cheap vegetable oils. In Bangladesh, little researches have been done in this field. So, it is the time to proceed on this whether it is possible to produce alternative oil from vegetables. To compete with the conventional fuel, vegetable oils have to have some physical properties close to those fuels, e.g. density, viscosity, flash point, fire point, pour point, carbon residue, heating value etc. Information about 15 vegetable oils was collected, of which 5 were experimented. Different oils have different property values close to diesel. Some of the oils have less viscosity, which can be used for lubrication purposes. All the oils meet most of the property value requirement except the viscosity, which means they cannot be used directly as a fuel but a blending could be recommended for their uses.

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