A New Approach to the Design of a Small Power Network using a Self Control Re-Usable Energy Source

C.J. Hu and F.S. Barnes (USA)


small power distribution network, wind-powered generator, reusable energy source.


The general purpose of the design is to make a self controlled power network containing a wind-powered generator and a renewable source such that when local users are not drawing heavy loads from the main power line, the wind-powered generator will send most of its output energy to charge the renewable-source reservoir. Then when the local users are demanding high power supply from the main line, the network will automatically switch to a different network configuration to make the renewable source switched to a discharge mode, such that it will supply power to the users and share the main line over-load. A simple computer with RF/computer-coded transmission and receiving interface can be used to monitor the current status of the network and to calculate the required switching parameters when the monitored signals reach certain threshold. Then the computer will issue RF commands to the switching points to make the renewable source switched to the required level. On the other hand, when the user demand is relieved as detected by the computer, the computer will re-issue the order to make the network returned to the original state to store the wind-energy in the reusable reservoir.

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