Optimal Design of a Cogeneration System for Typical Hospitals in Malaysia

A.H. Azit and K.M. Nor (Malaysia)


Cogeneration, Modeling and Optimization


Hospital is one of the potential facilities that could employ cogeneration system. This high efficiency energy conversion system could offers a lots of benefit especially savings on the energy used. Furthermore, it is very effective compared to centralize bulk generation if it is sited near the load. To reap the maximum benefit, a cogeneration system must be optimally sized. This paper presents a study of cogeneration system for typical hospital buildings in Malaysia. A mixed integer non-linear optimization technique is used to size the system. A Newton Raphson and Conjugate method have been used in the optimization process. The optimization technique models the cogeneration system together with a thermal storage system that will provide broader spectrum in the optimization exercise. Hospital facility with maximum demand of 5 MW and 2 MW are simulated. The annual savings will be optimized operationally by varying hourly generation output. Matching the generated electrical and thermal energy to the load will be optimized. Having thermal storage in the model will enhance the matching procedure towards better overall efficiency. Five different capacities of gas turbine generator that are available commercially are used in the simulation to determine the choice of optimal size system. This model and its solution are suitable for cogeneration facility planning study.

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