C. Heger and A. Lucero (The Netherlands)
Shared storybook reading, Support for creativity and learning, children, tangible interaction.
This paper introduces the ‘Magic Wand’, a system that works next to existing physical books and adds an extra dimension (i.e. sound) to shared storybook reading for adults and children by providing a simple and intuitive interaction. The ‘Magic Wand’: 1) enriches the shared book-reading experience by adding supporting sounds, 2) provides a low-tech and accessible way of identifying sounds by handling books in their pure form, 3) creates a reading ritual for children ages 3 to 6, motivating them to first discover books and later develop a reading habit, and 4) fits and can be used by children, parents and teachers in different contexts (i.e. home, preschool). Evaluations show the ‘Magic Wand’ evoked physical and emotional reactions in children without distracting them from the story, and invited children to engage in fantasy play beyond the shared storybook experience.
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