The Effect of EECP on the Flow Rate of Coronary Arteries in Human Blood Circulation Model

A. Mokhlesi, M.A. Khalilzadeh, G. Sadeghy, A. Moghimi, and H. Fal Soleiman (Iran)


EECP, modeling, coronary blood circulation


Background: The blood circulation in coronary arteries is different from the same task in other body arteries because on the contrary to the other arteries, the maximum blood is circulated in them during the diastole phase of heart (rest time of the heart). The changes of coronary blood circulation occur mainly due to changes in the rate of the resistance of coronary arteries. EECP is one of the new effective facilities in treatment of coronary arteries diseases and cardiac failure through increasing the flow in coronary arteries in diastole and lowering the load in systolic phase. In the present study, firstly, the modeling of pulmonary and systemic blood circulation will be described while considering coronary arteries. Then, the obtained flow rates were from the real sample while increasing the effect of EECP will be used for studying the validity of the designed model. Through adding the effect of EECP to the model, the changes of radial artery pressure in the designed model were compared with the values obtained from the real sample and the results gained from the procedure of coronary flow changes will be studied Through adding the effect of EECP to the model, the changes of radial coronary pressure in the designed model were compared with the values obtained from the real sample and the results gained from the procedure of coronary flow changes will be studied. In spite of increase in diastolic peak, no significant change is seen in mean arterial pressure which we deem it as the optimal results of neural control. On the other hand, coronary flow increases during EECP application.

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