Classical Conditioning Modelling

L. Houdová (Czech Republic)


biomedical computing, biological model, classical condi tioning, activity-dependent neuromodulation, wink reflex, neuronal memory


Modelling of associative learning is a problem of biomed ical engineering, it can be very useful for robot learning and for better understanding of human learning and mem ory (e.g. for brain damage and repair). Biological model of classical conditioning presented in this paper is based on theoretical knowledge of associative learning mech anism (activity-dependent neuromodulation) and experi mental data by classical conditioning training (wink reflex by wild and Lurcher mice) obtained by the Neuroscience Division of Pablo de Olavide University in Sevilla. This task was solved in cooperation with Department of Patho physiology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles Univer sity.

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