Analysis of Maximal Grip Strength using Three Types of Dynamometer

K. Li, D.J. Hewson, J. Duchne, and J.-Y. Hogrel (France)


Maximal Grip Strength (MGS); Isometric Force; Myogrip; Jamar; Vigorimeter


Maximal Grip Strength (MGS) is regarded as a good indicator of upper-limb strength or even of the whole neuromuscular system. Two popular dynamometers used for MGS evaluation are the Jamar and the Martin Vigorimeter. The Myogrip is a new digital dynamometer designed for testing very weak patients suffering from various neuromuscular disorders. It offers a sensitivity, precision and accuracy adapted to such a population. The main aim of this study was to compare grip strength assessment using these three dynamometers. Sixty nine healthy undergraduate students volunteered for the study. They were required to exert their MGS using the Jamar, the Vigorimeter and the Myogrip in a random order. After 14 days, 47 subjects participated in a second test. Results show that grip-strength estimates obtained by different measurement devices are strongly correlated. The Myogrip had a significantly better correlation with the Jamar (r=0.93; 95% confidence interval 0.90–0.95) than with the Vigorimeter (0.77; 0.40-0.83). In addition, the Myogrip had high test-retest reliability (ICC: 0.97, 95% confidence interval 0.96-0.98). Test-retest values showed a consistent distribution according to Bland Altman plots. The circumference of the hand was found to be the most important anthropometric factor in determining MGS, followed by the circumference of the forearm. Predictive regression-based functions with the circumference of the hand alone are given, for dominant and non-dominant sides.

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