Sensorised Compliant Structures with Adjustable Stiffness

I. Gavrilova, M. Feustel, W. Scheibner, C. Schilling, and H. Witte (Germany)


Sensor-array, compliant, selective sensitivity, adjustable stiffness


When designing sensor array for the dynamic and form changing areas of technical systems as robotics and biomechanics and prosthetic, highest (production) requirements are put on those module’s flexibility as well as on the integration of sensors for normal or shear forces. By creating this sensor array, the main problems can be solved. On one hand information from the module’s environment can be obtained via flexible sensor networks. On the other hand, by utilising passive and active deformations of the compliant mechanisms with controllable stiffness, the system can be adapted to exogenous conditions. This can be realised through the integration of the silicon-elastomer tubes which are tightened or deformed under the pneumatic pressure. By the developing the sensor array, we used the concept of the “stimulus leading apparatus” in human skin, whereof we identified functionally relevant morphological components. These main components are important for the acceptance, transfer and amplification of the force. And they are implemented into the interactive sensor periphery, considering different aspects of sensor actuator-integration [1].

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