Phase Coding of Information in the Human Brain

V. Logar, I. Škrjanc, A. Belic, S. Brežan, B. Koritnik, and J. Zidar (Slovenia)


EEG, Information transfer, Phase coding, Prediction


The exact mechanism of information transfer between different regions in the human brain to form an unitary experience is still not known. One of the widely accepted beliefs is that different brain areas, which are anatomically not necessarily connected, bind themselves together when needed to complete a certain task. This is also known as the binding theory. In the past, few contributions have been made suggesting that an important role in the theory of binding, concerning the information coding and transfer is played by the phase characteristics of the transmitted signals. Therefore, this study investigates a possibility to decode some of the information exchanged between the brain centers using the phase demodulation approach. The study has been made using the EEG signals obtained when the subjects performed two types of tasks; visual-motor task and working memory task. The presented study has revealed that even though EEG signals represent a superposition of all active neurons, it is possible to decode some information on the current activity of the brain centers. Thus, it can be concluded that phase coding in the brain signals seems to has an important role during the brain activity and information exchange.

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