Camera Control for Remote Transcription System

Y. Takeuchi, K. Saito, N. Ohnishi, S. Iizuka, and S. Nakajima (Japan)


remote transcription, automated text detection, remote lec ture, camera control


A system is being developed that supports remote tran scription of the text, illustrations, etc. that an instructor in a classroom writes on the board. A key component of this system is automatic video camera control. The sys tem uses a fixed video camera to capture digital images of the instructor and estimates his/her behavior from his/her head and hand positions as detected by image processing. When he/she is writing on the board or explaining some thing using the board, the system directs a pan-tilt-zoom video camera to zoom in on the board and to capture what is written there. The system then sends the captured informa tion to a remote location, where a person transcribes it on a PC. The transcription is sent back to the classroom and dis played on a screen. The captured information is also used to create a virtual whiteboard which includes the written text and excludes the instructor. The transcriber can see the text in the virtual whiteboard even if the instructor’s body obscures it. Testing showed that the system correctly de tected when the instructor was explaining using the board 73% of the time; the false detection rate was less than 4%.

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