Adaptive Temporal Error Concealment based on Selective Motion Field Interpolation

Hyunwoo Lee, S. Ku, and J. Jeong (Korea)


Temporal Error Concealment, Interpolation, Motion Vector, Image Compression, Image Quality


This paper presents a new temporal error concealment algorithm based on Selective Motion Field Interpolation (SMFI). SMFI chooses two neighbouring motion vectors highly correlated with the damaged macroblock for concealment. However, this is inefficient since often motion vectors poorly correlated with the damaged macroblock are selected for the two motion vectors or motion vectors with high correlation are not chosen. Therefore, we propose an algorithm which adjusts the number of the selected motion vectors in the SMFI. Then, only motion vectors highly correlated with the damaged macroblock are exploited, and concealment performance is enhanced. The proposed algorithm is experimented in H.263. Experimental results showed that both the objective and subjective visual qualities are higher for the proposed method as compared to SMFI.

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