Topolgical and Directional Logo Layout Indexing using Hermitian Spectra

R.H. van Leuken (The Netherlands), O. Symonova (Italy), and R.C. Veltkamp (The Netherlands)


Indexing, image retrieval, trademarks, Laplacian, Hermi tian, spectra


To evaluate similarity between two images, the layout or configuration of the shapes is an important feature besides geometrical shape similarity. In particular, trademark im age retrieval is an application domain where layout sim ilarity is important, and in many cases overlooked. In this paper, we present a graph-based encoding of layout, in which both directional and topological layout informa tion is stored. A Hermitian matrix is associated to each graph, and contains all the information that is present in the graph. The spectra of these Hermitian matrices are used for indexing purposes. By obeying several constraints on the construction of the Hermitian matrices, we can mimic the spectral behaviour of Laplacian matrices, which are proven to be successful representations in retrieval environments. Experiments show the improved representational power of the proposed approach over spectral methods using Lapla cian matrices.

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