MatForce: Supporting Rapid Algorithm Development by Automated Translation of MatLab Prototypes into C++

L. Hunyadi (Hungary)


programming tools and languages, developing compu tation-intensive algorithms, source-to-source compilation, automatic type inference


MatLab is an essential tool in high-productivity develop ment of applications that involve much scientific computa tion. Problems can be presented in a familiar mathematical formalism and the simple yet extensive visualization ca pabilities support rapid algorithm and model prototyping. Nonetheless, for the sake of efficiency and homogeneity with other parts of the code, it is often necessary to convert MatLab code into C or C++, which is a tedious and error prone task if performed manually. The author presents a tool named MatForce that automatically converts MatLab scripts into C++ code, producing human-readable, extensi ble C++ sources that can subsequently be fitted to the needs of the encapsulating application.

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