A Metamodeling Approach to Transform UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams to Petri Nets

M. dos Santos Soares and J. Vrancken (The Netherlands)


Sequence Diagrams, Petri nets, Model Driven Engineering, Formal Methods, Model Transformations.


The paper presents transformations from UML 2.0 Se quence Diagrams to Time Petri nets with inhibitor arcs. The transformation is not restricted to messages calls and responses, but also to some of the new Sequence Diagrams operators. This model-to-model transformation is based on metamodels and is useful to improve semantics, as Petri nets can be executed by simulation and formally proved. The advantages of this multi-formalism approach are that different views are represented, complex systems develop ment is done based on several levels of detail, and com plexity is managed with abstraction and modularization.

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